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  1. Under the Build Preparation tab, click "New Scene" to select the correct build environment. Select "B. Proc.: SLM 125 HL" in the Change Machine dialogue box and hit Ok.
    • Under the Build Preparation tab, click "New Scene" to select the correct build environment.

    • Select "B. Proc.: SLM 125 HL" in the Change Machine dialogue box and hit Ok.

  2. Import the .STL files of the components to be printed with the Import Part command (File -> Load -> Import Part or Ctrl+L). Part may be stacked or intersected at default importing positions. Check the Part List for unwanted duplicates and delete as necessary.
    • Import the .STL files of the components to be printed with the Import Part command (File -> Load -> Import Part or Ctrl+L).

    • Part may be stacked or intersected at default importing positions. Check the Part List for unwanted duplicates and delete as necessary.

  3. With a part selected, use the "Translate" or "Interactive Translate" commands to position parts on the build plate with respect to the XY coordinate system. With a part selected, use the "Rotate" or "Interactive Rotate" commands to rotate parts on the build plate. Parts must be raised 5mm from the build plate for sufficient support generation stand-off during subsequent part removal operations.
    • With a part selected, use the "Translate" or "Interactive Translate" commands to position parts on the build plate with respect to the XY coordinate system.

    • With a part selected, use the "Rotate" or "Interactive Rotate" commands to rotate parts on the build plate.

    • Parts must be raised 5mm from the build plate for sufficient support generation stand-off during subsequent part removal operations.

    • With a single part selected, use the Translate command and set the Absolute Z position to 5mm. X and Y position is maintained if a single part is selected and raised at a time.

  4. With a single part (or set of identical parts) selected, use the "Generate Support" command to auto-generate support structures under your part. Repeat this process until all parts are supported.
    • With a single part (or set of identical parts) selected, use the "Generate Support" command to auto-generate support structures under your part.

    • Repeat this process until all parts are supported.

  5. Select the "Configure Platform Default and Part Overrides" command on the SLM 125 HL tab to configure the parameters for printing. Individual parts may be overwritten to use their own unique parameter set.
    • Select the "Configure Platform Default and Part Overrides" command on the SLM 125 HL tab to configure the parameters for printing.

    • Individual parts may be overwritten to use their own unique parameter set.

  6. Select the "Build" command in the SLM 125 HL tab to initialize the .SLM file construction process.
    • Select the "Build" command in the SLM 125 HL tab to initialize the .SLM file construction process.

    • Create a filename using the following format: XXXX__#A_#B_#C etc.

    • XXXX = Build number, consecutive from the previous

    • A, B, C = Part Name

    • # = Number of parts of the associated Part Name on the build plate

    • Select the "Save to directory" Submit Type and select an empty destination directory for the .SLM file to be placed in.

    • Click "Create Job" to begin the .SLM file construction process.

    • The SLM cloud system will build the .SLM file and upload it to the destination. This process can take anywhere between 1 - 15 minutes. No prompt is provided upon completion - the destination folder must be refreshed until the .SLM file is constructed.

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David Otsu

Member since: 02/25/2017

91 Reputation

10 Guides authored


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